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FrontStage Supervisor View

Supervisor view

The role of a supervisor is usually to monitor the contact center operations, mentor and lead agents, assign work, tasks etc. FrontStage offers a number of tools to ensure the monitoring and operational control work with ease. A supervisor can make a call and they can pick up from call queues. It is possible for a supervisor can have both the supervisor view and an agent view running at the same time.

A supervisor will have a different URL to use than for Agent log in. This will be provided by your system Admin.

Agents View

Supervisors will be able to view live statistics for their team.

1 – AgentList of agents in the workgroup
2 – TeamDrop down list of available teams
3 – StatusShows the status of the agents
4 – S. DurationGives the time the agent has been in the status
5 – WorkplaceAgents extension number
6 – Workplace StateAgents status in workgroup
7 – Logon TotalTotal time agent has been logged in
8 – Pause totalTime agent has been paused
9 – Inbound TotalTotal of inbound calls taken
10 – Outbound TotalTotal number of outbound calls made
11 – Chat TotalTotal number of chats for agent
12 – Call BarCalls can be made from here by typing in the number
13 – ListenAllows the supervisor to listen in to the call
14 – WhisperThe supervisor can talk to the agent in a call without the customer hearing them
15 – Barge InSupervisor can be on the call with the agent and customer if needed

Clicking on an Agent in will open a window with the following:

This will show what workgroups the Agent is assigned to and give some statistics for each group they are in. The columns of data can be changed by clicking on the icon shown above this will then open the window where you can remove and add columns.


The main screen shows a breakdown of Agents but the calls menu will give a list of incoming and outgoing calls. Again as above the filters can be changed by clicking on the button (As shown above). The inbound calls can be filtered by:

1 – Call TimeTime and date of call
2 – Call DurationLength of call
3 – StateState of call. Example: Served/Lost
4 – Call PhaseShows the phase the call is in. Example: Wait/Agent Talk
5 – NumberNumber the caller is calling from
6 – WorkgroupName of the workgroup the agent is logged into
7 – AgentName of agent
8 – TransferredShows if a call has been transferred
9 – Chat Evaluation

Call Statuses and Phases

Phases and statuses describe a position where the call is located. Each status is further subdivided into phases – A more detailed specification. A phase can be the same for multiple statuses. In short, phases are grouped into statuses, this makes displaying easier in grids, statistics, etc.

Example: An outbound call can be in a status such as, Prepared,Paused, Scheduled Etc. Phases for active are e.g. Agentofferfirst, Agentoffermissed and so on.

Outbound Calls

An ideal outbound call includes the following steps:

Queue or Manual distribution -> offer -> Preview -> Dial -> Conversation -> Result.

The actual progress can be different for each call. An error occurs, Preview is disabled, etc. A pre-condition for call distribution is to be in the ready state. The agent remains in this state from distribution to conversation. They can be automatically switched to the PCP status for the result step.

Before the CallPrepared – Paused – Scheduled* – NeglectedNew – Manual – In Queue – In Queue No Time – In Queue Timed Out – Obsolete
During the CallActive**Agent Offer First – Agent Offer Missed – Agent Offer Next – Agent Pre Call – Agent Dialing – Agent Talk – Wait For Result
After the CallCompleted – Cancelled** – No Answer** – Busy** – To Continue** – Talk Error** – Failed** – No ResultHang Up Agent*** – Hang Up Called**

NOTE: * A temporary state or phase. The call will be worked with. For example the Active status needs to be followed by another because the call will eventually end.

** A call in the Cancelled Status can in fact have any phase that indicates when the cancellation occurred.

*** The indication whether it was the called party or the agent who hung up depends on the telephone system capabilities.

Outbound Call Statuses

A more detailed explanation of outbound call statuses. In the database, the statuses correspond to the OutboundCall. CallResult column.

PreparedBefore making a call; The call is not yet to be scheduled.
PausedAfter/Before call execution/will continue at the administrators request – temporarily suspended, subsequent change only to Scheduled.
Scheduled The call is scheduled before the call is actually made.
NeglectedAfter cancelling the call – The system decided to cancel the call.
ActiveCall in progress.
CompletedAfter making/completing the call – success.
CancelledAfter making/completing the call – The number could not be reached, do not reschedule.
NoAnswerAfter making the call/to be continued – not answering, reschedule according to rules.
BusyAfter making the call/to be continued – busy, reschedule according to the rules.
ToContinueAfter making the call/to be continued – conversation not finished, call again, reschedule according to the rules.
TalkErrorAfter making the call/to be continued – wrong person, reschedule according to the rules.
FailedAfter making the call/to be continued – failed to dial, reschedule according to the rules.
NoResultThe time for writing the call result has expired.

Outbound Call Phases

A more detailed explanation of the outbound call phases. In the phase database, they correspond to the OutboundCall.CallPhase Column.

NewA newly created call with which nothing has happened so far.
ManualIntentionally ignored by automatic distribution.
In QueueCall queued for automatic distribution.
In Queue Timed OutCall queued because it is no longer in a calid time window (Columns TimeMode, TimeFrom and TimeTo in the OutboundList table)
In Queue No TimeThe call was not in queue at all because TimeMode/From/To columns does not allow its scheduling.
ObsoleteThis is a user phase indicating a cancelled call that is no longer needed.
Agent Offer FirstThe call is offered (pop-up) to the first agent.
Agent Offer MissedThe call was not accepted by the agent and no other agent currently available.
Agent Offer NextThe call is offered (pop-up) to another agent.
Agent Pre-CallTime to prepare for the offered call; the call is dialled only after confirmation by the agent or after a predefined time.
Agent DiallingThe call has been received and is being dialled/ringing/waiting for connection.
Agent TalkThe call was answered by the called party and conversation is ongoing.
Wait For ResultThe call ended with the results recorded, whereas the conversation ended already before that.
Hang Up AgentThe call ended with the agent hanging up and the result was recorded already before that.
Hang Up CalledThe call ended with the called party hanging up and the result was recorded already before that.

Inbound Call

An inbound call is initiated outside the system and cannot be known before it enters execution. Statuses are simpler than with the outbound calls because activities such as scheduling and rescheduling are not required.

The active status contains phases through which the call passes, represented by a phone call at all times. When the call ends, this phase is maintained, which is important especially for lost calls. Phase blocks – marked with letters A and B (before distribution) and W (while waiting) – are essential for the call process.

The ideal flow of an inbound call is also easier:

IVR -> queue -> dialling -> conversation -> result

During the CallActivePilot – PhaseAnnouncementA – PhaseIvrScriptA – PhaseAnnouncementB – PhaseIvrScriptB – Distributing – PhaseDispatchQueue – Putting on Waiting – PhaseWaitingQueue – PhaseManualDispatch – PhaseAnnouncementW – PhaseIvrScriptW – PhaseAgentRingFirst – PhaseAgentRingMissed – PhaseAgentRingNext – AgentTalk
After the callServed – LostHangupAgent – HangupCaller – TerminatedA – TerminatedB – TerminatedW – TransferredA – TransferredB – TransferredW – Pilot – PhaseAnnouncementA – New

Inbound Call Statuses

A more detailed explanation of inbound call statuses. In the database, the statuses correspond to InboundCall.CallResult column.

ActiveCall in progress.
ServedAfter making a call.
LostThe call gets into this status from any active phase except for the AgentTalk phase.

Inbound Call Phases

A more detailed explanation of inbound call statuses. In the database, the statuses correspond to the InboundCall.CallResult column.

PilotCall before entering the entry rule, i.e. before the IVR.
Phase Announcement AThe announcement played as a part of the entry rule.
Phase IVR Script AThe call is processed within the IVR script as a part of the entry rule.
Phase Announcement BThe announcement played as a part of the entry rule.
Phase IVR Script BThe call is processed within the IVR script as a part of the distribution rule.
DistributingThe call is currently being distributed to the agent. It will normally be for a very short time (<300ms) in this phase. If the handover for distribution is not successful within a reasonable time, the call returns to the previous phase.
Phase Dispatch QueueNot used.
Putting On WaitingThe call is being transferred to the waiting queue. It will normally be for a very short time (<300ms) in this phase. If the transfer to the waiting queue is not successful within a reasonable time, the call returns to the previous queue.
Phase Waiting QueueCall in the waiting queue.
Phase Manual DispatchNot Used.
Phase Announcement WThe announcement played as a part of the waiting rule.
Phase IVR Script WThe call is processed within the IVR script as a part of the waiting rule.
Phase Agent Ring FirstRinging at the first agent.
Phase Agent Ring MissedNo agent was able to answer.
Phase Agent Ring NextRinging at another agent.
Agent TalkThe call was answered by the called party and the conversation is ongoing.
Hang Up AgentThe call ended with the agent hanging up and the result was recorded already before that.
Hang Up CallerThe call ended with the caller hanging up and the result was recorded already before that.
Terminated A Call terminated by the entry rule.
Terminated BCall terminated by the project rule.
Terminated WCall terminated by the waiting rule.
Transferred ACall transferred by the entry rule.
Transferred BCall transferred by the distribution rule.
Transferred WCall transferred by the waiting rule
PilotCall before entering the entry rule, i.e. before the IVR
Phase Announcement AThe announcement played as a part of the entry rule.
NewA call newly entered in the database that has not been processed yet.

Lost Calls and Call Backs

The CallBack node can be used in the IVR. This node invokes the process of rules for the IvrCallBack mechanism. The node parameter is the number of minutes by which the call back is to be scheduled for later (or it can be scheduled immediately) This node allows the caller not to initiate waiting in the queue and, rather have an agent call them back, all that without losing the waiting position (i.e. Virtual queueing)

This mechanism generates the CallBack event with a reference to both the original lost call and the created outbound call; the relation of these calls can thus be established from the call history, with already existing forms being connected that the caller may have filled out, e.g. withing the IVR tree,




Outbound calls will appear in a table below this and use similar filters. A supervisor can view any of the calls data by clicking on either the ‘State’ Icon or the ‘Number’ in the relevant columns.
Once clicked the data will open in a new window.

1 – View ButtonsUse these to toggle between, Information, History, Contact, Notes, Wrapup Code, DQ, Issue, Notes and Test
2 – Action ButtonsThese include, Call back, Save and Save and Close
3 – SettingsOptions for search, and window settings
4 – Data ErrorsAny errors in the form will be highlighted here, hold mouse pointer over the icon to see any notifications (the icon will change when you have errors)
5 – InformationThese buttons are information only and have no function
6 – Call informationshows the Callers Number, the Input DID, Input Pilot and the Workplace

Supervisor Call Select

A supervisor can pick any incoming/queuing call and send it to an agent of their choice, to do this they will need to click on the call they would like to divert:

Next click on the Bulk Action button located as shown below:

A pop up will show with a list of agents and the option to Assign, Return or Assign Directly. Choose the agent to send the call to the click Assign Directly. Leave the tick in the Reset Markers After Action then Click Execute:

This will assign the active waiting call to the specified agent, this will be distributed to that agent when they are in Ready state or other status that allows distribution of pre-distributed calls.

The settings for the above can be found in the Admin settings under Metadata – Status:


All chats can be viewed by supervisors just select the Chat option in the menu. This will open the page showing chat data, to the left of the screen will be the count of chats in queue and agents in chat. As before you have filters that can be changed to show more or less data.
To view a chat click on the Type icon, this will open a new window with the chat details inside. This will show the chat between the agent and customer. Chat history can be viewed in here too along with the Agents name, workgroup and language plus, the customers name, email address and topic they wanted to discuss.


In this section a supervisor can view: All Messages in Queue, All Messages and All Templates.

1 – DirectionShows if the mail is inbound or outbound
2 – AttachmentPaper clip icon appears in here if the mail has an attachment
3 – TimeDate and Time the mail was sent or received
4 – FromEmail address of sender
5 – Remote AddressThis is the address extracted from the email address string from the ‘From’ header in the email
6 – SubjectEmail subject field
7 – ToAddress the email was sent to
8 – StateAllows user to see what stage the email is at (see image for the drop-down options)
9 – AgentAgent who has accepted the email
10 – WorkgroupName of the workgroup the email appears in
11 – ContactIf the contact is known the name will appear in this column
12 – Body FieldA preview of the email

The tables below work in the same way as the description above with the exception of the field name ‘Phase’ that replaces ‘State’.
At the bottom of this screen is a button (envelope) to create a new template.

To view on any of the emails click on an icon in Direction or Subject. The email will then display in a new window.

1 – InformationShows the, Agent, Workgroup, Language, Priority and Campaign
2 – HistoryRemoves the information view and replaces it with the Timeline, Showing any previous messages
3 – ContactIf the contact is known the information will prefill in here, if not then it can be added
4 – NotesAny notes that have been made on this email can be found here
5 – IssueView or create an issue for the email in this section, opens a new window
6 – AcceptAn email must first be accepted before it can be replied to
7 – Go To OriginalThis will go back to the first message in a chain
8 – Save OptionsAny changes can either be saved or saved and close Window
9 – Settings Option to change some of the search options in the email view
10 – Form ErrorsShows if there are any errors in the form, to view these put the mouse pointer over the icon
11 – Information IconsThese are for information only and do not have a function


Reports will be different for each company as they are customizable. When you click on the reports screen a list of available reports will be shown. Example below:

These are standard out of the box reports built on SQL. Further reports can be defined upon request.

To view a report, click on the name of the report, this will open a new window showing the details of that report from the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).


This is the Knowledge Base. In here you can store helpful articles and documents for a quick look up. Agents will have access to these items. Adding to the KB is a permission based feature.


This is where the address list can be found.


This will show a list of all workgroups activity, below is an example image:

The view within Dashboards is configurable.

Reporting Sets

This section covers a wide range of available reports within FrontStage. Most reports are followed by an explanation table.

Pease Note: The screens have been divided into 2 on most of the reports to allow a better view of the data. (Top image will be the left hand side of the screen and the one below will be the right hand side)

Below is a table showing an overview of reporting sets.

Filters and parameters
LanguagesEnglish, Czech, Slovak. By default: User browser language
ProfileAutomatically presets the date range available options: Today, Yesterday, This week, This month, Last month, Free for the custom date range. By default: Today
IntervalPresets the cumulative interval available options: Day, Week, Month, Year. By default: Day
ColumnsUser can pick which columns of the report are to be generated. By default all columns are visible
CC Performance
InboundInbound Calls volumes, drilled down to details on lost, transferred, handled inbound calls, key performance values
Inbound_ExtendedExtended version of Inbound, includes average and total duration of various call phases
OutboundOutbound calls volume, drilled down to details on success rate, with average duration of various call phases
Outbound_ExtendedExtended version of Outbound, includes average and total duration of various call phases
MessageEmail interaction volumes
Chat and Social MediaChat and IM interaction volumes, drilled down to details on lost/handled conversations, key performance values, average durations of conversations phases, average number of messages and characters per chat session
SummaryProvides an overview of the entire contact center performance by displaying key information from detailed reports above
First Call Resolution Shows how many customer incoming enquires (within the same project) where handled during the first call interaction (i.e. no inbound not outbound follow up)
Monthly DashboardSummary of monthly operations and KPI’s across channels: Voice in+out, email, SMS, Chat & IM focus on YOY trends
Inbound Cumulative Chart Shows inbound calls volume cumulations across various time periods (hour, 30 min, 15 min) and therefore helps with forecasting of staffing needs across the day
Agent Performance
InboundBreaks down the handled Inbound calls by team and agent
Inbound_ExtendedBreaks down the handled Inbound calls by team and agent
By Inbound DurationCompares number of handled Inbound calls by duration
OutboundBreaks down the handled Outbound calls by team and agent
Outbound_ExtendedBreaks down the handled Outbound calls by team and agent
MessageBreaks down the handled Emails and SMS by team and agent
Chat and Social MediaBreaks down the handled Chat and IM by team and agent
StatusesProvides information related to the activity of agent(s), such as the time that an agent spends in various states, total logon time, first logon time, etc..
SummaryProvides an overview of the agent activity and performance by displaying key information from detailed reports above

Inbound Call Report

Image from screen 1

Image from screen 2

Column NameExplanation
DateReporting Date
DayDay of week/ or month/ or year – depending on the parameter ‘interval’
Inbound TotalAll inbound calls that day/month/year
Lost in IVRAll inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost in IVR or Pilot
%Lost in IVR%- All inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost in IVR or Pilot/all inbound calls that day/month/year
Lost in QueueAll inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost in queue
%Lost in Queue%- All inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost in Queue/All inbound calls that day/month/year
Lost INTotal inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost (in Pilot, IVR, Queue or in Distribution)
Abandoned Rate%- All inbound calls that day/month/year that were lost (in Pilot, IVR, Queue or in Distribution)/ All inbound calls that day/month/year
AVG in IVR & Q TimeAverage time in IVR+Queue of all lost inbound calls in day/month/year
Handled in 20sAll inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents within 20s
% SLA% All inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents within 20s/ All handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Handled Total All handled inbound calls that day/month/year
% Served% All handled inbound calls that day/month/year / All inbound calls that day/month/year
Transferred within CCAll inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC
% Transferred within CC% All inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC/ All handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Transferred Outside CCAll inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC
% Transferred Outside CC% All inbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC / All handled inbound calls that day/month/year
In IVR TimeAverage time spent in IVR of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
In Queue TimeAverage time spent in queue of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Ring TimeAverage ring time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Talk TimeAverage talk time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Hold TimeAverage hold time of handled inbound calls that day/month/year
PcW TimeAverage post call wrap time of all handled calls that day/month/year
AHTAverage Handling Time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year

Inbound Extended Call Report

This report contains all the above information with the extra information described in the table below the images.

Images from screen 1

Images from screen 2

Column NameExplanation
In IVR TimeTotal time spent in IVR of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
In Queue TimeTotal time spent in queue of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Ring TimeTotal ring time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Talk TimeTotal talk time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
Hold TimeTotal hold time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
PcW TimeTotal Post call Work wrap time of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year
AHTTotal handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all handled inbound calls that day/month/year

Outbound Call Report

Images from screen 1

Images from screen 2

Column NameExplanation
Date Reporting date
DayDay/or month/ or year depending on the selected parameter ‘interval’
Created All Outgoing calls that were created by agents or system that day/month/year
DistributedAll Outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that day/month/year
Not ConnectedAll Outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that day/month/year but were not successful (eg. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.) / All distributed calls to agent that day/month/year
% Not Connected% – All outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that day/month/year but were not successful (eg. cancelled by agent, not connected, not answered by client etc.) / All distributed calls to agent that day/month/year
AHT TimeAverage handling time (routing + ring time) of all not connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
ConnectedAll Outbound calls that were distributed to agents that day/month/year that were successful (i.e. answered by client)
% Connected All Outgoing calls that were distributed to agents that day/month/year that were successful (i.e. answered by client) / All distributed calls to agent that day/month/year
Transferred within CCAll Outbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC
% Transferred within CC% All Outbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred within CC / All handled outbound calls that day/month/year
Transferred Outside CCAll Outbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents then transferred outside CC
% Transferred Outside CC% All Outbound calls that day/month/year that were handled by agents and then transferred outside CC / All handled outbound calls that day/month/year
Ring TimeAverage ringing time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
Talk TimeAverage talk time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
Hold TimeAverage hold time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
PcP Wrap TimeAverage post call wrap time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
AHTAverage Handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year

Outbound Extended Call Report

This report contains all the information as the above and average times as described in the below table.

Images from screen 1

Images from screen 2

Column NameExplanation
Ring TimeTotal ring time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
Talk TimeTotal talk time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
Hold TimeTotal hold time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
PcP Wrap TimeTotal post call wrap time of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year
AHTTotal handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of all connected outgoing calls that day/month/year

Message Report

CategoryColumn NameExplanation
EmailDateReporting date
EmailDayDay/or month/or year depending on the selected parameters ‘interval’
EmailTotal in QueueTotal emails in queue that day – newly delivered that day + all other emails from previous periods that were not yet answered (i.e. either still not assigned waiting in queue or already being processed but not yet finished by an agent)
EmailNew DeliveredEmails delivered that day/month/year
Email% New Delivered% Emails delivered that day/month/year/ Total email queue that day/month/year
EmailIn QueueAll other emails from previous intervals that were not yet answered (i.e. either still not assigned waiting in queue or already being processed but not yet finished by an agent)
Email% In Queue% All other emails from previous interval that were not yet answered (i.e. either still not assigned waiting in queue or already being processed but not yet finished by an agent) / Total email queues that day/month/year
EmailAnsweredAll outgoing emails sent that day/month/year as an answer to incoming email, including forwarded emails
Email% In 24 Hours% All emails answered that day/month/year within 24 hours / All answered emails that day/month/year
EmailAHTAverage email handling time – average time that day/month/year answered emails waited to be replied (Reply Sent Time – Incoming Email Delivery Time)
EmailAWTAverage email waiting time – average time that day/month/year answered emails waited in queue to be distributed and accepted for processing by an agent
EmailClosedAll incoming emails that were closed without reply that day/month/year without a reply
EmailSpamAll incoming emails that were closed and marked as spam that day/month/year without a reply
EmailNew OutgoingAll new outgoing emails that were sent that day/month/year
EmailAHT AnsweredAverage agent handling time of answered (and forwarded) emails that day/month/year (Reply Sent Time – Accepted Time)
EmailAHT ClosedAverage agent handling time of closed emails (closed without reply) that day/month/year (Closed Time – Accepted Time)
EmailAHT SpamAverage agent handling time of closed emails marked as spam that day/month/year (Closed Time – Accepted Time)
EmailAHT OutAverage agent handling time of new outgoing emails sent that day/month/year
SMSSMS AnsweredAll SMS replies sent that day/month/year
SMSSMS New OutAll new SMS sent that day/month/year

Chat and Social Media Reports

Images from screen 1

Images from screen 2

CategoryColumn NameExplanation
Chat/Social MediaDateReporting date
Chat/Social MediaIntervalDay of week/ or month/ or year – depending on the parameter ‘Interval’
ChatOfferedAll incoming chat conversations that day/month/year
ChatLostAll incoming chat conversations that day/month/year that were lost, no agent accepted the conversation
Chat % Lost% All incoming lost chat conversations that day/month/year / All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year
ChatAWT LostAverage time in ICR+Queue of all lost incoming conversations in day/month/year
ChatHandledAll incoming chat conversations that day/month/year that were handled by agents
Chat% Handled% All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year that were handled by agents / All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year
Chat% Accepted in 40s% All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year that were accepted by agents in 40s / All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year
Chat% First Reply in 40s% All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year that were actually answered by agents in 40s/ All incoming chat conversations that day/month/year
ChatAWT for AcceptAverage time chat conversations had been waiting until they were accepted by an agent for processing
ChatAWT for First ReplyAverage time clients have been waiting until they received the first reply from an agent
ChatAHT Client PoVAverage handling time from client point of view, i.e. from start to end of the chat conversation
ChatAVG Alert TimeAverage alert time of all handled chat conversations that day/month/year
ChatAHT Agent PoVAverage handling time of all handled chat conversations that day/month/year from agent point of view, i.e. from accepting until the end of the conversation
ChatAVG Client RepliesAverage number of messages sent by client per handled conversation that day/month/year
ChatAVG Agent RepliesAverage number of messages sent by agent(s) per handled conversation that day/month/year
ChatAVG Client Reply LengthAverage number of characters in a message sent by client per handled conversation that day/month/year
ChatAVG Agent Reply LengthAverage numbers of characters in a message sent by agent per handled conversation that day/month/year
Social MediaOfferedAll incoming IM conversations that day/month/year
Social MediaLost All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year that were lost, no agent accepted the conversation
Social Media% Lost% All incoming lost IM conversations that day/month/year / All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year
Social MediaAWT LostAverage time in ICR+Queue of all lost incoming conversations in day/month/year
Social MediaHandledAll incoming IM conversations that day/month/year that were actually handled by agents
Social Media% Handled% All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year that were handled by agents / All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year
Social Media% Accepted in 40s% All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year that were accepted by agents in 40s / All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year
Social Media% Reply in 40s % All incoming conversations that day/month/year that were actually answered by agents in 40s / All incoming IM conversations that day/month/year
Social MediaAWT for Accept Average time IM conversation s have been waiting until they were accepted by agents for processing
Social MediaAWT for First ReplyAverage time the clients have been waiting until they received the first reply by agent
Social MediaAHT Client PoVAverage handling time from client point of view i.e. from start to end of the IM conversation
Social MediaAVG Alert TimeAverage alert time of all handled IM conversations that day/month/year
Social MediaAHT Agent PoVAverage handling time of all handled IM conversations that day/month/year from agent point of view, i.e. from accepting until the end of the conversation
Social MediaAVG Client RepliesAverage number of messages sent by client per handled IM conversation that day/month/year
Social MediaAVG Agent RepliesAverage number of messages sent by agent(s) per handled IM conversation that day/month/year
Social MediaAVG Client Reply LengthAverage number of characters in a message sent by client per handled IM conversation that day/month/year
Social MediaAVG Agent Reply LengthAverage number of characters in a message sent by agent per handled IM conversation that day/month/year

Summary Report

Images from screen 1

Images from screen 2

Column NameExplanation
DateReporting date
DayDay/or Month/or Year depending on the selected parameter ‘Interval’
Team NameAgent’s Team Name
Agent NameAgent’s Name
Inbound Calls Number of handled inbound calls by the agent that Day/or Month/or Year
Transferred CallsNumber of handled inbound calls that were transferred within CC/Outside CC by the agent that Day/or Month/or Year
Outbound CallsNumber of handled outbound calls by the agent that Day/or Month/or Year
Missed RingsNumber of calls when the agent failed to answer the inbound/outbound call offer
Answered EmailsNumber of answered incoming emails by the agent that Day/or Month/or Year
New Outgoing EmailsNumber of new outgoing emails sent by the agent that Day/or Month/or Year
Login TimeTime when the agent logged into FrontStage for the first time that day
Logout TimeTime when the agent logged out of FrontStage for the last time that day
Total LogonTotal agent’s logon time that Day/Month/Year
Total ReadyTotal time the agent spent in “Ready” state that Day/Month/Year
Total Not ReadyTotal time the agent spent in “Not Ready” that Day/Month/Year
Ready Time DetailTotal Ready time drilled down to each ready state predefined in the administration
Not Ready DetailTotal Not Ready time drilled down to each ready state predefined in the administration

Example reports

Below is an example of a report of agent status.

Example of an agent performance by inbound duration report:

Example of an inbound cumulative chart:

First Call Resolution Report

Column NameExplanation
IntervalLast 24hr/ last 48hr/ last 7 days
Handled IN CallsAll handled incoming calls within the Interval selected
Handled IN First CallAll handled incoming calls within the Interval selected, that were resolved in first client’s call and by one single agent (i.e. call was neither transferred to another agent/or outside CC) or another inbound call or outbound call from/to the same phone number within the same project had been made
% First Contact Resolution% Handled incoming calls in first call/ All handled incoming calls within the Interval
AHT First ContractAverage handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call wrap time) of all calls handled in first contact with the client within the Interval selected
Handled IN First Call and TransferredAll handled incoming calls within the Interval selected, that were resolved in first client’s call but were handled by more than one agent (i.e. transferred within CC) or transferred outside CC (additional inbound or outbound call from/to the same phone number within the same project had not been made)
% First Call Resolution% Incoming calls handled in first call with a transfer either within CC or outside CC/ All handled incoming calls within the Interval selected
AHT First CallAverage handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call wrap time) of all calls handled in first call with a transfer within CC/ outside CC within the Interval selected
Handled In and Out Multiple CallsAll calls handled within the Interval selected, when multiple inbound or outbound calls from/to the same phone number within the same project has been made
Number of ClientsNumber of clients whose queries had been handled in multiple (in+out) calls
AVG Calls Per ClientAverage number of multiple handled calls (in+out) per client made within the Interval selected
AHT Multiple CallsAverage handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call wrap time) of all calls handled in multiple in+out calls within the Interval selected

Monthly Dashboard

Column/Chart NameExplanation
In HandledAll inbound calls handled in actual month
% YtD Change% Year to year trend or total handled calls
Transferred In% Of all inbound calls handled that month that where transferred within the CC, below sparkline showing last year trend
Transferred Out% Of all outbound calls handled that month that where transferred outside the CC, below sparkline showing last year trend
Inbound Call Trend ChartYear to year comparison of all incoming calls (forecast, actual year, last year) on monthly basis
Inbound Calls by Project & TopicAll handled calls in the actual month drilled down by Call, Project and Ticket Topic
Out HandledAll connected outbound calls handled in actual month
% YtD Change% Year to year trend of total connected outbound calls
Connected% Of all distributed outbound calls that were successfully connected with client that month, below sparkline showing last year trend
AVG AHTAverage handling time of connected outbound calls that month, below sparkline showing last year trend
Outbound Call Trend ChartYear to year comparison of all outgoing calls connected / not connected (actual year, last year) on monthly basis
Outbound Calls by Project & TopicAll connected outbound calls in the actual month drilled down by Call, Project and Ticket Topic
@ HandledAll handled email in the actual month
% YtD Change% Year to year trend total handled emails
AVG AHTAverage handling time of all incoming emails answered that month, below sparkline showing last year trend
AVG AWTAverage wait time for assignment to an agent of all incoming emails answered that month, below sparkline showing last year trend
Email Trend ChartYear to year comparison of all answered and new outgoing emails handled (actual year vs. last year) on monthly basis
Emails by Project & TopicAll handled emails in the actual month drilled down by Call, Project and Ticket Topic
SLA GaugeGauge showing inbound call SLA goal fulfilment that month in %
AVG AHTAverage handling time (ring+talk+hold+post call) of handled inbound calls that month
AVG Ring TimeAverage ring time of all handled inbound calls that month
AVG Talk Time Average talk time of all handled inbound calls that month
AVG Hold TimeAverage hold time of all handled inbound calls that month
AVG Post Call Wrap TimeAverage post call wrap time of all handled inbound calls that month
SLA Trend ChartSLA performance trend – last year performance vs actual year, goal indicator
Abandoned Rate GaugeGauge showing inbound call abandoned rate goal fulfilment that month in %
Total LostTotal inbound calls that month that were lost
Lost in IVR% – All inbound calls that month that were lost in IVR or Pilot/ All lost calls that month
Lost in Queue& – All inbound calls that month that were lost in Queue / All lost calls that month
AVG Time in IVRAverage time in IVR of all lost inbound calls that month
AVG Time in QueueAverage time in Queue of all lost inbound calls that month
Abandoned Rate Trend ChartAbandoned rate trend – last year performance vs actual year, goal indicator
Updated on 12 April 2023

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